The Millennial Guide to Buying a Condo

Millennials love their city living, but they’re also looking for a space that’s affordable, in an up-and-coming neighborhood, and close to public transportation.
Condos are a great option for many millennials because of their price point, location flexibility, and easy access to amenities like gyms or pools. While buying a condo unit may seem daunting at first, it doesn’t have to be!
This guide will walk you through the process so that you can make an informed decision when purchasing your first condominium.
Be confident about your budget.
Before you start looking for condos, it’s important to know how much you can afford. The last thing you want is to fall in love with a place only to realize that it’s out of reach financially. If you’re unsure how much cash you have in hand, consult a financial advisor or make an appointment with one as soon as possible–you’ll find that most banks offer free consultations and advice about mortgages and other loans.
If your budget isn’t set yet, ask yourself what would happen if something unexpected came up: Would I be able to cover my mortgage payments? Is there enough room in my monthly budget for maintenance fees and property taxes? What would happen if I had major repairs done on the condo? These are all questions worth considering before buying any home (not just condos).
Don’t be afraid to negotiate.
Negotiation is a common practice in the real estate market, so don’t be afraid to ask for what you want. If there’s something about the condo that doesn’t feel right for you and your lifestyle, speak up and let the real estate agent know. You might be surprised at how receptive they are to negotiating with their potential buyers.
If you’re thinking about buying a condo unit and have some questions about it, don’t hesitate to reach out to them via email or phone call.
Think about what you’re looking for in a condo.
- Location: The location of your condo will have the biggest impact on its price, so it’s important to find one that meets your needs. If you commute by car, look for condos within driving distance of work. If you rely on public transportation, look at how close the nearest stops are–and whether they run frequently enough during rush hour.
- Size: Once upon a time, bigger was better when shopping for homes (and it still might be). But in today’s market, smaller units are often more affordable than larger ones because they tend to come with lower maintenance fees and better amenities such as pools or gyms without having any extra square footage charges added onto them–which means more savings in your pocket! Smaller spaces also tend toward more efficient layouts which makes them easier to decorate than larger rooms would; however, this may not apply if there isn’t enough storage space within reach from where all daily activities take place such as cooking meals etcetera…
Look for perks that might appeal to you.
As future condo owners, you should look for amenities that might appeal to you, like Wi-Fi or gym access. If you’re looking for a nice place to work out, look for condos with gyms and pools. If networking is important to your job (or just getting work done), make sure the condo building has good Wi-Fi and other internet access options. And if pets are part of your life, consider whether the building has any pet parks or other amenities–or even restrictions on pets in general–that would make it easier on them when they come along with you on vacations or weekends away from home.

Figure out your ideal neighborhood.
Once you’ve decided on buying a condo, the next step is deciding where to live. This is a big decision that will affect your life for years to come, so it’s important to think about what kind of neighborhood will suit your needs best.
- Look for amenities: A good neighborhood should have plenty of amenities close by–whether they’re gyms or grocery stores or bars with happy hour specials. If these kinds of things are important to you and/or your family members, don’t be afraid to ask around about the area before signing on the dotted line!
- Crime rate: The crime rate in an area can have a significant impact on both property values and lifestyle. A high crime rate can make residents feel unsafe in their homes, which could lead them to move away or avoid certain parts of town altogether. On the other hand, if property values are low because of high crime rates (or vice versa), that could be a sign that there’s something else going on in that neighborhood–like poor schools or bad housing conditions–and you should look into it before buying anything there.
- Look for schools: The quality of local schools can have an impact on property values in any given area; if there aren’t many good schools nearby then consider moving somewhere else instead
Get pre-approved for a loan.
Not only will it help you to know what you can afford, but it also makes it easier to negotiate with the seller when they’re asking for more than what your bank has pre-approved. If they ask for more than what’s on paper, then they have some work to do in order to get their price point down closer to where you want it–and that gives you leverage.
Also, keep in mind that getting bank loans pre-approved doesn’t mean locking yourself into anything; this process simply determines how much money you can borrow right now based on certain criteria (income and debt).
Get pre-qualified for a mortgage before you start looking at condos.
There are several ways to get pre-qualified for a mortgage. You can fill out an online form or talk with a mortgage broker who will run your credit and assess your income in order to determine how much money they think you could borrow from the bank.
Getting approved for a mortgage is another step towards buying a condo but it’s unnecessary if all of the other pieces fall into place first–and they should! Preapproval allows buyers time while they shop around before submitting their offer on one particular property (which we’ll talk more about next).
Check out the neighborhood on Google Street View.
One of the best ways to get a feel for a neighborhood is by checking out Google Street View. It’s an easy way to see what it looks like on a rainy day, at night, and during the day. You can also get an idea of how many people walk around in your new neighborhood and if there are any parks nearby where you might go for recreation or relaxation.
Google Street View also allows you to check out other condo developments in the area so that you know what type of neighbors are living near yours before making an offer on one specific property (you never know who could be living right next door!).
Research your condo fees.
Condo fees are a combination of maintenance fees and property taxes. Maintenance fees cover the cost of repairs, cleaning, and other costs associated with keeping the building in good condition. They’re usually charged on an annual basis and can be paid monthly or quarterly. Property taxes are levied by local governments to fund infrastructure projects like roads and schools–they’re not part of your condo association’s budget but still need to be paid by you, the condo owner.
In addition to these two main components, there may also be additional charges associated with common areas (like hallways) or amenities such as pools or gym facilities within your complex or community. These should all be listed in your purchase agreement along with details about how often they’ll increase over time; if there’s something missing from this list then ask questions so that nothing catches you off guard later on!

Go see properties in person.
It’s important to go see residential properties in person whenever possible. This will allow you to really get a feel for them and make sure they’re right for you. You can also see how the condo looks in person, which can be different than what it looks like in photos or videos.
It’s possible to buy a home early.
It’s possible to buy a home at 28, 29, or 30 years old if you follow these rules and plan ahead.
- You need to save up a down payment. This is the most important step for any buyer, but especially for millennials. You should have saved up at least 20% of the cost of your condo before going into contract on it. This can take some time; don’t rush yourself! Make sure that when you do make an offer that it is done so with all cash in hand so there are no delays due to financing issues later on in the process.
- You need a good credit score in order for lenders (banks) to approve your mortgage loan application without any problems or rejections which will delay the closing date indefinitely until everything gets resolved properly between both parties involved in this transaction such as Seller/Buyer etc.. So make sure that before applying for any type of residential loan program available today check firstly what kind of rate one may qualify for based solely upon their own personal financial situation such as income level etc.
Buying a condo is a great way to get started in real estate.
It’s a good idea to think about all this stuff before buying a new place because it can save you time and money in the long run

A condo is an excellent choice for millennials who want to get into the real estate market early and don’t have much equity built up yet. But before you put down a deposit on a new condo, there are some things to consider. First off, don’t be afraid to negotiate with the seller. This is especially true if the price seems high or there are other issues with the property (e.g., it’s not listed in the best shape). If they want your money badly enough, they might give up something else like closing costs or appliances.
Second: get pre-approved for a mortgage before looking at condos! This way, you’ll know exactly how much house you can afford and won’t waste time getting turned down by sellers because of financing issues later on down the line. Finally: research your condo fees before signing anything. Condo fees can add up quickly so make sure they’re reflected accurately in all documents before signing anything.
Buying a condo is a big decision, but it doesn’t have to be complicated. By following these tips, you’ll be able to find the perfect place for you at the right price and make sure everything goes smoothly from start to finish.