April 26, 2023

Social Media Networking Best Practices For Real Estate


Social media has become a staple of the real estate industry and for good reason. It’s here to stay and will continue to grow as the best way for agents to connect with their clients. But social media is just as much about connecting with other real estate professionals. While there are many ways to network, this guide will get you started on building relationships with your colleagues around town—and making yourself known as an authority in your local real estate market.

Post regularly on Social Media Platforms

Posting regularly on social media is critical. You want to be active but don’t want to post too much. The rule of thumb is one post a day and no more than two or three per week. If you are posting more than this, then it may be time for you to take your social media efforts down a notch. This can help increase engagement among followers and show them that you’re an expert in the field who’s always available for questions and advice!

If you’re not posting enough content, then try increasing the frequency of your posts by 1-2 times per week so that users see fresh content from your account frequently enough without feeling overwhelmed with updates from other accounts as well (especially if there are multiple agents working together on a team).

Avoid negative posts

  • Avoid negative posts. To succeed in your career, it’s important to avoid posting negative content on social media. The reason for this is simple: you want people to see you as a positive person and they don’t want their agent to be complaining about something all the time. For example, if a new property listing goes live and many agents are scrambling for it, post something positive such as an article about the benefits of buying now rather than waiting another year or two (if applicable).
  • Avoid complaining about clients or other agents. You never know who might be watching what you’re saying online so make sure that it represents who you are as a person! The last thing anyone wants is someone who constantly complains about them either directly or indirectly through social media posts without taking responsibility for their own actions when representing themselves professionally with others outside of their personal life too far away from home here at home with friends and family members etc.

Do not post “I am bored” or “I am waiting for a client”

It is not recommended to post that you are bored or waiting for a client. You are a professional and always busy and productive, even if it appears you are not. Your time with clients is valuable to them, so do not waste their time by posting about being bored or waiting for a client when they may be looking at your social media accounts while they wait in the lobby of their realtor’s office.

Let your personality show on Social Networking Sites

When you’re networking, the last thing you want to do is come off as fake or inauthentic. Be yourself and let your personality show through during all interactions. Be genuine, interesting, and funny but avoid being offensive. People will be able to tell when you’re being insincere, so don’t pretend to like something just because others are doing it (even if they are). Instead of talking about how great your kids are or how awesome your vacation was last month, share stories that show who you really are as a person—or better yet, ask questions!

Be a good listener and storyteller

Another tip is to be a good listener and ask follow-up questions when appropriate so that people feel comfortable opening up around you without feeling judged or put on the spot. This can help foster stronger relationships with potential clients by creating an environment where they feel safe sharing information with their real estate agent friends. Lastly, make sure to incorporate storytelling into each interaction so that others feel as though they know more about who you really are as an individual—and thus more likely to seek out your services for future needs!

Do post about (mostly) real estate-related topics

Real estate is an interesting topic to be sure. People are always interested in the latest news and information, so you can share those things with your followers. For example, if there’s been an exciting new development in town or you have a listing that’s going to be featured on TV, share these facts!

Another way to post is by sharing photos of your listings when they’re open for showing for instance. You can also post photos of properties that haven’t yet been listed with an agency but are going up soon. These types of posts will help you gain followers and show them what goes into being an agent—and maybe even some of their friends might want to hire you!

Share personal stories and experiences from time to time

Communicate directly. Social media networking is about establishing a connection with your audience. While this can be done through the use of hashtags, keywords, and other tools, it’s also important to develop a rapport by sharing personal stories from time to time.

Your content should be relevant to the topics at hand, such as real estate or seasonal events like sports championships or holidays. You should also post when you think it’s most likely for your audience members to see it—on weekdays versus weekends, for example—and when they’re most likely waking up.

Get involved in the community

The real estate community has always been a tight-knit one, and today’s agents must continue to foster that connection. Being involved in the community, volunteering, and participating in local events will help you meet like-minded individuals who can become valuable connections in your business network.

Here are some ways you can get involved:

  • Join your local real estate association. You’ll be exposed to new products and services as well as learn from other agents’ success stories. You’ll also have access to networking opportunities like conventions with hundreds of attendees. If your state or region doesn’t have an association yet, start one!
  • Go beyond business relationships, and participate in charity activities that help others achieve their dreams of becoming homeowners (or renters). The more involved you are with charitable causes, the more likely people will know who you are when they need professional services such as buying or selling homes.
  • Participate in social media groups that exist solely for professionals in your area (or even globally). This helps build relationships with other professionals online so that when people ask questions about homebuying topics such as closing costs or down payments on Facebook pages geared toward homebuyers who are seeking advice from industry leaders such as yourself; then those questions will get answered by someone else instead because everyone knows about how awesome it is being part of this group already—and since we’re all friends here since we’ve spent so much time together already anyway!

Be a reliable source of information

You’ve likely heard the phrase, “It’s not what you know, it’s who you know.” It rings true in real estate and social media. The more your followers see you as a reliable source of information on their community and industry, the more they’ll want to follow you. This means being consistent with your posts so that when people check out your profile or page, there’s content that interests them.

Be present in your community:

  • Share relevant articles from around the web
  • Post about local events happening in your area

Be consistent with your posts

Consistency is the key to social media success. Your followers expect you to be active on their favorite networks, and if you don’t post at least once a day, they’ll lose interest in your feed.

When it comes down to it, though, posting at similar times every week or every day is just as good as posting at exactly the same time every day. The most important thing is that people know when they can expect something new from you on social networking websites.

Keep it positive, and keep it optimized for the platform.

Online social networking services are a great way to build a real estate social network with other agents, potential clients, and even vendors. It’s also a useful resource for sharing your expertise with others in the business world. With social media networking best practices today’s agents must follow, you’ll be able to post positive content that keeps it optimized for each platform.

First things first: whatever you post on any given platform should be positive and professional in tone (keep your personal opinions about politics or sports out of it). This shows that you’re an expert who has something valuable to share—and also helps build trust with readers by making them feel like they’re getting unbiased advice from someone they know can help them out!

Social Media Marketing for Real Estate

With the right strategy, you can turn social networking platforms into an essential tool for growing your real estate business.

Social media is a great way to build your brand and connect with potential clients. Use these tips as a foundation for your own real estate marketing plan through social media platforms and get started today. It’s more important than ever for real estate agents to take advantage of social networking sites and use them properly. If not done correctly, your efforts can backfire and cause you to lose out on business opportunities—not something any agent wants!

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