Newly Married Couple: First Time Homebuying Tips

Newly married couples face a lot of decisions and choices in their life. Home buying is one among them that can be made in an organized way.
Buying a home as newlyweds is an exciting, but also stressful and intimidating process. If you’re ready to take the leap, here are some tips for homebuyers to make their experience easier and stress-free:
Set a budget
When you are a newlywed looking to buy your first home together, it is important to take into account how much you can afford. This helps ensure that your home purchase aligns with your financial goals and avoids disappointment later on when the monthly payments add up. To determine how much you can afford, consider your current monthly income, monthly expenses, and future plans for children or other large purchases that may require additional funding.
If you have already decided on a specific area or school district in which you want to live but aren’t sure what types of homes are available there, start searching early so that potential properties don’t sell before they’ve been posted online.
Also, remember that once an offer has been made on a house in any price range—even if it is not accepted—the seller’s agent will likely contact other agents who specialize in similar properties so they can begin showing their clients as well; this means even more competition could be coming down the pipeline. Take time to think about the down payment and closing costs. Consider communities with schools inside the subdivision.
Browse property listings online
Once you’ve decided to buy a home, it’s time to start hunting. The Internet is one of the best ways to search for properties in your price range and location. Here are some tips for using real estate websites:
Visit several sites and see what they offer, like photos and maps of the property.
Search for your dream home by asking about its size, the number of bedrooms/bathrooms, lot size, price range, and any amenities that might be important (such as a swimming pool or basketball court).
You can also research different neighborhoods on each site to find out about local schools or crime rates if this matters to you. You can even get an idea of how long it would take you to commute from work by checking out traffic patterns on Google Maps.
Find a real estate agent
As a newlywed, you probably have lots of questions about buying your first home. Who do you ask? How do you find real estate agents who understand and can help with the home buying process?
You’ll want to look for an agent who has experience with first-time homebuyers. An experienced agent will know how to guide you through the process of finding and securing your perfect house.
He or she should be familiar with the neighborhood in which you’re interested, as well as the homebuying process overall. You’ll also want someone who is familiar with mortgage loans since they will be helping you find one that best fits your needs and budget prior to closing on a property purchase.
Contact our team of experienced real estate professionals for any advice!

Consider the neighborhood
There are many things to consider when choosing a neighborhood, and your new home will be one of them. Establishing yourself in a community that offers the amenities you want can make your life easier and more enjoyable.
Here are some questions to ask yourself:
- Is there good public transportation?
- Are there good parks and recreation?
- Are there quality shopping options nearby for groceries and other necessities? (Think about whether you need to go car-free!)
- Do local restaurants serve meals that appeal to you? (Maybe you’re not looking for anything fancy.)
Get qualified for a mortgage loan
To get qualified for a mortgage loan, you will need to have a good credit score, a healthy down payment, and a stable income. There are also several mortgage options available for home buyers.
Get Prequalified
This is an easy process that requires you to provide information about your income and assets and ask the lender some basic questions regarding how much money they think you can borrow. The main benefit of this step is that it lets you know whether or not you are ready to buy before wasting time going through other steps that may not work out as planned. Consider asking about home loan and interest rates.
Ask Your Current Bank about Home buying Process
Get qualified for a mortgage loan with your bank or credit union if possible because they are likely going to offer better rates than other lenders due to their relationship with your bank account. If possible, try not to get preapproved until after getting approved with your preferred lender in order to avoid unnecessary fees. The bank may have the option to give an estimate of your monthly mortgage payment.
Focus on the future
When you’re buying a house, it can be easy to focus on the present and the immediate future. After all, you’re excited about having your own place and aren’t thinking about what might happen 5 or 10 years down the road. But if you want to buy a home that lasts for decades to come, it’s important to keep your eyes on the prize: your long-term future happiness.
To get started with this process of thinking ahead, here are some questions that may help guide your decisions:
How will I use my home? Will I spend most of my time inside or outside? How much space do I need for entertaining guests? Do I have any hobbies that require specific kinds of spaces (e.g., lots of closet space for sewing)? Also, consider whether there’s anything else in particular (like water damage) that could affect how happy you’ll be with a particular property down the line.
What am I willing/able to pay towards owning this property over its lifetime? This includes both monthly mortgage payments as well as ongoing maintenance costs like yard work and repairs—these things add up!

Make a list of wants and needs
Another important step in the process is to make a list of both wants and needs. While it may be tempting to put a down payment on your dream home, you should also consider how much space you need and whether or not it’s feasible for your budget.
For example, if the only property you can afford is an apartment that’s located near a busy street, this may not be ideal for newlyweds who want to raise children in peace.
Make a move together
When it’s time to buy a home, one of the biggest decisions you’ll make together is where to live. Open houses can be an exciting way to do this, but they can also be overwhelming and stressful. Here are some tips for making the most of your open house experience:
Go together, so you’re not alone when asking all those questions about things like square footage and the number of bedrooms.
Talk about the pros and cons of different houses as they appear on display—the home’s location (within walking distance from shops or a major transit hub?), its proximity to family members’ homes (or other people who will be important in your lives)? How much maintenance does it need? What kind of shape is it in? Is it too small for two people, or too big for one person? Each house will have different strengths and weaknesses—discuss them openly with each other before making any decisions.
Make sure that at least one person is happy with whatever decision is made; don’t force yourself into living somewhere simply because your spouse wants you there (or vice versa). Be open-minded enough that both parties feel comfortable with their chosen property—and if there’s no consensus between the two parties after looking at different options together… well then maybe this isn’t quite right yet either!
It’s smart to do your homework when buying your first house with your spouse.
When buying a home, it’s smart to do your homework. Take time to save money, research, and make a list of what you want and need in a home. You may also want to think about where you should look for a house that fits your family’s needs.
Buying a home with your spouse is a big decision. It’s important to know what you can afford and how much house you need before buying.
You’ll also need to consider things like how close you want to be to neighbors or schools, which neighborhood might suit your lifestyle best, and whether or not you want any renovations done before moving in. Buying a home as a newlywed couple means making sure both spouses are on the same page about these key points before signing on the dotted line.